The Second World War is an epic tale of political extremism, racism, territorial expansionism, subjugation and mass murder on an industrial scale. It’s also a story of immense courage, sacrifice, determination, ingenuity and great leadership. The war transformed every facet of civil and military life, turning millions of ordinary people into soldiers, sailors, aircrew and auxiliaries. The war cast a long shadow, leaving an indelible shared memory on all those it touched with triumph and tragedy.
The story of World War Two starts with the political turmoil of the 1920s, and the Great Depression of the 1930s and ends with the development of atomic weapons, guided missiles and jet aircraft. In between, tens of millions of people are killed, wounded and displaced. From the invasion of Poland in September 1939 until the final victory over Japan in August 1945 the war ebbs and flows from the deserts of North Africa to the frozen Russian steppe and coral atolls of the Pacific. This is the great and terrible story of the Second World War.
Nazi Germany Invades Poland
- September 1: Nazi Germany invaded Poland.
- September 3: Britain and France declared war on Germany.
- Learn more about the road to war.
German 'Blitzkrieg' in Western Europe
- German 'Blitzkrieg' overwhelms Belgium, Holland, and France.
- Winston Churchill became the Prime Minister of Britain.
- Operation Dynamo evacuates the British Expeditionary Force from the beaches of Dunkirk.
- The RAF defeated the German Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain.
America joins the War
- Germany invades Soviet Russia (Operation Barbarossa).
- The aerial bombing of British cities by the Luftwaffe known as the Blitz continues.
- Japan launched a surprise air attack on the US naval bases at Pearl Harbor, leading to America's entry into the war.
- From Pearl Harbor to D-Day.
Major Events
- Wannsee Conference sees the implementation of Nazi Germany’s plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe (the Final Solution).
- The Allies win a decisive victory at the Second Battle of El Alamein in North Africa.
- Singapore falls to Japan, a humiliating defeat for British Imperial and Commonwealth forces.
- US victory at the Battle of Midway turns the tide in the Pacific War.
North Africa and Italy
- German 6th Army is encircled and finally defeated at the Battle of Stalingrad.
- Allied victory in North Africa enabled the invasion of Italy.
- Italian dictator Benito Mussolini is deposed, and Italy surrenders three weeks later.
The Allies Advance Everywhere
- Allies land at Anzio.
- The Battle of Monte Cassino ends with an Allied victory in May.
- D-Day: The Allied invasion of Normandy, France.
- Paris is liberated in August.
- Guam is liberated by the US.
End of the War
- Soviet troops liberate the Auschwitz labour and death camp.
- Hitler commits suicide, and Nazi Germany surrenders on 7 May.
- Victory in Europe (VE Day) was declared on 8 May 1945.
- Learn more about Victory in Europe.
- Atomic bombs are dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- Japan surrendered on 14 August 1945 (VJ Day).
- Learn more about the atomic bomb and the defeat of Japan.